Jack trained as a cognitive scientist, but balances his analytical background with a multi-disciplinary creative life that has included painting, poetry, writing, and acting.
Recently, for his visual art practice, he has been working exclusively with an iPad. He finds the digital creative process provides him with a perspective that guides him through his output and encourages a diversity of styles and visual practices.
His works explore various visual languages including neoexpressionism, dadaism and abstract expressionism, but – whilst eclectic – still show a distinctive style that universally balances colour, form and narrative in a melodic, rhythmic composition and considered colour palette.
For our sixth group show, “Hit for 6” this emerging artist presents five works from his graphic, Bauhaus-inspired series of works, all EXCLUSIVE to Conclave Brighton.
As he says: “Science built the world but Art gave us the reason”
Selected works are now available for immediate purchase in our online shop here. For queries, or to buy one of the other works, please email us, or call us on 01273 729729 (during opening hours).