Print a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ Sparkles

Print a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ Sparkles

Join us for a relaxed, fun and enjoyable afternoon at Conclave in our linocut printing workshop: print your own tote bag with EJ Sparkles in our lovely events space. Create a totally unique gift for yourself or someone else.

In this 3-and-a-half hour workshop, you will create a stamp using the linocut technique and then print onto a tote bag. There will also be a selection of ink colours to choose from.

Printmaker EJ Sparkles will guide you step-by-step through the process. You can draw your own design – bring an idea, or simply use one of the images provided (and there’s a gallery full of inspiration right here ready for you too!) This will be a small group workshop (limited to 10 participants) so you’ll be sure to get all the help and support you need.

At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a unique hand-printed item of your own making and the basic knowledge of the linocut process which can then be continued at home if you so wish (and use those skills to make some other unique Christmas cards and gifts)

We’ll provide you with a new cotton tote bag (your choice of natural cotton, or coloured cotton) and all the materials and inks you will need to create your masterpiece.

  • Refreshments provided
  • Maximum 10 people per class
  • Level: beginner and above
  • Ages: 16+ (we will be using sharp cutting equipment)
  • Cost: £34 standard (or grab an earlybird bargain for just £27 – order before 12th November)
Print a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ SparklesPrint a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ SparklesPrint a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ SparklesPrint a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ Sparkles

Saturday 26th November, 2.30-5pm

About your workshop leader:
EJ is a Brighton-based printmaker who creates linocuts by combining organic forms with a bold and vibrant colour palette. She prints her own work at bip-Art Printmaking Workshop in Kemptown, and during term time works as an assistant teacher in a school art department. EJ loves to create, and finds lino cutting and printing a very mindful process which she would love to share with new printmakers, like you!

For more information follow EJ on Instagram:  and Facebook or have a look at her website

Feedback from previous attendees:
“So relaxing and fun! What a lovely and satisfying way to spend a few hours! Thanks E-J!”
Catherine K

Print a Tote Bag: linocut printing workshop with EJ Sparkles

Tickets are £34 standard / £27 early-birds (order online before 11th November)

As this is a hands-on workshop with paint and other mucky things, you might want to wear things you don’t mind getting dirty and painty!

 🙂 Tickets: £27 / £34 🙂

Saturday 26th November 2022:

  • Doors: 2pm
  • Workshop: 2-5.30pm
  • includes a break at approx. 3.30pm, which you are welcome to stay in and work through, or step outside for!

Age Restriction:
16 and over only please

Early-bird (order by 11th November) £27
Standard (after 11th November) £34
(price includes all materials)

Strictly limited to 10 participants.

If you have any enquiries about this workshop, please contact EJ by email: